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You may open and print this article as a one-pager for handouts or use in a newsletter: When
isn’t child sex play just sex play? Childhood
sex play is an often-misunderstood issue. Misunderstanding tends to come from
adult concerns and lack of understanding. Certain forms of child sex play are to
be expected, others are not. Typically
somewhere between infants and toddlers, children become aware of their genitals
and anus. As with normal childhood exploration, these body parts simply become
new territory as the child’s awareness of their body naturally develops. This
awareness is well developed in the preschooler as by this age the responsible
adults have instructed and encouraged control of bladder and sphincter for
toilet training. Touch and self-fondling of these body parts tends to be
soothing to children and even pleasurable so hence a natural attraction develops
with time. The
role of the parent throughout is to encourage privacy in the child such that
these behaviours are not discouraged per se, but rather confined to an
appropriate place and time. As the developing child becomes aware of their body parts, they then become aware of the differences between themselves and opposite gender. By ages four and five children thus become intrigued with their sexual gender differences and engage in mutual games of exploration frequently referred to as “playing doctor”. Again when discovered by the parents, their role is to encourage privacy. We tend discourage mutual sex play at this age in favour of encouraging solitary and private play. Some, according to their own beliefs and values will also discourage any solitary play. Some
children will continue an interest in sexual play that will last through to
adolescence and adulthood. Their expression of sexual interest may be muted or
flourished according to opportunity for play and according to the attitudes of
their parents or caregivers. Normal and healthy sex play throughout is always
non-coercive, mutual and between children of similar ages. Sexual
behaviour between children of different ages becomes troublesome and indicative
of problems as the ages between the children becomes greater. Of concern are
issues of coercion and exploitation where the behaviour is no longer mutual but
favours an older child gratifying him or herself over the needs and interests of
the younger child. There is an element of the older child “taking advantage”
of the younger child and thus even if the experience is not felt as hostile or
harmful by the younger child, the elements of exploitation make the situation
psychologically abusive because of the manipulation required to evoke
participation or compliance in the younger child. Hence, these childhood
experiences are abusive by nature and do not constitute childhood sex play.
These sexual behaviours are to be discouraged and children subject to such
experiences should be counselled to provide support, to explain that such
behaviour is not acceptable and to help them develop strategies to limit risk of
further exploitation. Sexual
behaviour that would be beyond the imagination of a child or may be influenced
by observation of adult sexual behaviour or influenced by adult sexual abuse is
also of concern. Such sexual behaviour would appear unnatural for a child or
would be regarded as a fetish if conducted by an adult. Such behaviour goes well
beyond exploration and also should be discouraged. Children discovered engaging
in such behaviour should be spoken with and perhaps by a professional, to
determine how the behaviour came about and if the child was subject to adult
exploitation. Sexual
development begins in infancy and carries on throughout life. During childhood,
normal sexual development and play is encouraged but circumscribed or shaped by
the parents. The parents help the child to learn about appropriate touch, place
and time and about the concept of privacy. Problematic
sexual experiences or behaviour involves exploitation or coercion, particularly
between children of different ages. Between children of similar ages, if the
behaviour appears unnatural or beyond a child’s imagination, there is also
cause for concern. If
ever a parent is uncertain, consult a social worker, child psychologist or
Direnfeld, MSW, RSW www.yoursocialworker.com Call Gary for your next conference and for expert opinion on family matters. Services include counselling, mediation, assessment, assessment critiques and workshops. Buy
the book: For information on Direnfeld's book, Raising Kids Without Raising Cane, click here. Are you the parent of new teen driver? Check out this teen safe driving program: www.ipromiseprogram.com
20 Suter Crescent, Dundas, ON, Canada L9H 6R5 Tel: (905) 628-4847 Email: gary@yoursocialworker.com